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All the product reviews on have been personally bought and reviewed by one of the product reviewers, staff, or family member or friend. If a family member or friend has purchased an item and thinks it’s the bees knees. They will loan it to us to check out for the review and as well as give their personal opions and inputs

Although we will never slam a product just becasue it is a bad product. (we just won’t review it)  We will always give an honest review, the good, the bad, the somewhere in between. We believe in listing the stuff we find good with the product as well as the suff we didn’t find that good.  We belive the reader can make up their own minds on what they think is good for them and what is bad for them. Or to word it differently. Is what we listed good or bad a breaking point for them to buy the product. As the CEO of I would rather just give my honest opion not try to convince or deter the reader from buying a product. 

That allows me to go home at the end of the day and sleep well. Also, I fully believe the readers of are intelligent and can make up their own mind based off all the facts provided to them. However, we have a comments section in case there may be something we didn’t touch on in the review. Ask those questions there and perhaps one of the staff our another reader will be able to address that specific thing. (The only thing I ask is the commenter just give an unbiased response based on their experience)

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